2015 Call for Papers

Call for Papers: South Central Society for Music Theory

Keynote Speaker: Steven Rings (University of Chicago)

Loyola University in New Orleans, LA

March 27th – 28th, 2015

The Program Committee for the 2015 meeting of the South Central Society for Music Theory invites proposals for papers and presentations on any topic related to music theory for thirty-minute presentations (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion).

EMAIL DEADLINE: Friday, January 16th, 2015 at 11:59pm. Confirmation of proposals received will be made electronically upon their receipt.

Submission format:

1) Proposals should be no longer than three pages (including footnotes); they should be double-spaced, and use a 12-point font. Proposals should be anonymous, and articulate the paper’s premise, its relation to existing music theoretic research, and provide some illustration of applications.

2) Send one (1) MS Word or .pdf format e-mail attachment to: mcgardin@olemiss.edu. Please put “SCSMT 2015 Proposal” in the subject heading. In this email, list the title of the paper, the author’s name (with rank and institutional affiliation if applicable), and the author’s address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Please also list any technical requirements for the presentation (stereo playback, piano, computer or overhead projector, etc.).

3) Additionally, attach one copy of an anonymous, 300-word or less abstract for publication in the meeting abstracts booklet.

4) If the author is a student wishing to be considered for the SCSMT Student Paper Award, please indicate your student status in the email. Candidates for the student award must submit a copy of the full paper to the address above by Friday, February 20, 2015.

No more than one proposal will be accepted for each individual.

Previously published papers, or papers given at national conferences will not be considered.