
Founded in 1983, the South Central Society for Music Theory (SCSMT) is an organization for scholars, teachers, and students of music theory and analysis.

Our geographic base is in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Western Georgia, but membership is open to all. We hold an annual meeting at a different post-secondary institution each spring. We encourage you to read about our latest news and reasons to give to SCSMT.

Our membership includes
Teachers of music theory and related disciplines at colleges and universities.
· Music teachers and performers for whom teaching music theory, aural skills, and related topics is part of a career in performance or composition.
· Students at all levels-from interested high school musicians to doctoral candidates to life-long learners.

We are affiliated with the Society for Music Theory (SMT), an international organization of music theorists.

You can also find information about the SCSMT Executive Board and Committees and the SCSMT Bylaws.